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How To Obtain A Day Care Business License

How To Obtain A Day Care Business License
12/18/2010 12:00 AM

How to Get a Home Child Daycare  License
To provide in-home daycare requires being licensed because  in-home child care services is a business around children.

1. Basically, a business license is a certification from government, in one form or another, that your business is legal in it's current form and location, and that it is registered for local taxes and will be informed of local tax dates in advance so that your business can remain current in its local taxes.


Licensing procedures need to be followed in order to obtain the licenses and approval required to legally operate an in-home daycare. Understanding the process and following all steps associated with getting licensed is the legal way to ensure that your business gets started according to regulations.

Most applications ask for information on the

  • Area of your home that can be designated for daycare services
  • References
  • Property location information
  • Assess your home and its condition.
  • In most cases, you need to prove that the house will pass all inspections and is suitable for running an in-home daycare.
  • To do that you will need a space available for children that  is adequate to accommodate 10 - 20 children but depending on yout location it may be more or less number of children.

After we apply for the business license, you are likely to be conducted by an agent for a meeting at the location you select and ask the date of the next orientation meeting. 

Then make sure you are at the meeting and  review the requirements handed to you carefully. In most cases, they will give you a  a certificate of the completion of the meeting upon leaving the meeting. Keep the certificate in a safe location.

Health Requirements:

Most local governments require that you get a tuberculosis test. Obtain the test  and make sure to get a copy of the test results.

If there is a state mandatory CPR/First Aid/Health and Safety Course, arrange to take it and complete it. Contact the Community Care  District Office to obtain the contact information for the location that provides such training and certification.

If you buy our business license service, we will complete the application for you so you can  obtain a daycare license provided.



Simply go online to


Answer our online questionaire to determine your needs, then fill out our business information form as thouroughly as possible, before completing each step of our payment system and we will begin processing your order immediately.


Failing to get a business license has two distinct sets of consequences. First, it results in your busines being fined and audited by the local government for back taxes, as well as possibly even being brought up on misdemeanor charges. The second is far simpler. The police will simply shut your business down.


Simply go to to determine your fees.


Keep in mind that most of our fees cover filing charges, for example, our $79.99 charge for a sellers permit covers the filing fee of $50.00, as well as the $29.99 for labor, leaving you paying only $29.99 for our work, and with now extra effort on your part, and with a swiftly delivered license.

